
10 July, 2021 0 Comments

XXI Virtual Dinner of the Red Cross Brotherhood of Sarria

XXI Virtual Brotherhood Dinner, he 22 July 2012.
O Cebreiro, Triacastela, Samos, Sarria, Paradela and Portomarín.


Collaborate with the Red Cross in its activities, that since last year have increased, helps them to continue carrying out their projects, offering help and solidarity in this pandemic, who needs it most.

With the two numbers of each card you will access the draw for the 22 July 2021, with the following awards:

  • Dinner for 6 people, whose card matches the 3 final numbers of the first prize.
  • Dinner for 4 people, whose card matches the 3 final numbers of the second prize.
  • Dinner for 2 people, whose card matches the 3 final numbers of the third prize.

In addition, a group of collaborators will be working on the Camino de Santiago, touring the stages from O Cebreiro, Triacastela, Samos, Sarria, Paradela and Portomarín. Visiting and sharing moments, experiences, capturing images and sounds for the collective memory with the hoteliers of the Camino.

Thanks for your cooperation.