
15 February, 2023 0 Comments

XV Celtic Pork Roast Festival 2023


Come and enjoy the authentic taste of Galicia “XV Celtic Pork Roast Festival”, of the County of Sarria!

This gastronomic event celebrates the Galician tradition with one of its most iconic dishes. The Galician stew of Celtic pork, delicious and plentiful, made with local and high quality products, including Celtic pork and vegetables from the Galician garden.

This is a unique opportunity to try authentic Galician cuisine while enjoying the festive atmosphere and culture of the region.

Let's wait for us affiliated establishment. Sarria region.


Come and enjoy the authentic taste of Galicia in the “XV Celtic Pork Roast Festival”, of the region of Sarria!

This gastronomic event celebrates the Galician tradition with one of its most iconic dishes. The Galician Stew of Celtic Pork, delicious and abundant, made with local and high quality products, including Celtic pork and vegetables from the Galician garden.

This is a unique opportunity to try authentic Galician cuisine while enjoying the festive atmosphere and culture of the region..

We wait for you in the adhered establishment. Sarria region.