
6 September, 2019 0 Comments

Romería de Os Remedios del Alto do Cesar, in Sarria

the known pilgrimage from Os Remedios del Alto do Cesar, in Sarria, which is celebrated every year in the month of septiembre, will return the days 8 and 9 offering days of continuous festivities for all pilgrims from all over the region.
Numerous faithful attend religious services from early in the morning, being the one o'clock mass, that officiates in the field of the party, the most crowded.
The Remedios festivities represent a deep-rooted tradition in Sarria among devotees and each year they attract a large crowd of people to Alto do Cesar, leaving the village practically deserted.
Tradition marks that very early many of the participants undertake the ascent on foot to the sanctuary of Os Remedios, in which candles are deposited. What's more, many groups of family and friends congregate in Alto do Cesar to partake in great meals, that year after year gather more followers, which give a good account of churrasco or octopus 'á feira'.