
27 September, 2020 0 Comments

World Tourism Day 2020

In the edition of 2020 World Tourism Day 2020 the exceptional ability of tourism to create opportunities outside of big cities and preserve cultural and natural heritage around the world will be celebrated.

Held on 27 September under the motto of Tourism and rural development, this year's international celebration comes at a critical moment, when countries around the world look to tourism to drive recovery, and so do rural communities, where the sector is a major employer and an economic pillar.

Editing 2020 It also comes when governments look to the sector to recover from the effects of the pandemic and at the same time that the recognition of tourism at the highest level in the United Nations grows, as has been evident in the recent publication of a policy document of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, dedicated to tourism, in which it is explained that for rural communities, indigenous peoples and many other historically marginalized populations, tourism has been a vehicle for integration, empowerment and income generation.